Shark Finning

Ming Dynasty - Source: The Art of Asia

Ming Dynasty – Source: The Art of Asia

During the Ming Dynasty, shark fin soup was considered a valued Chinese delicacy which could be consumed only by the Emperor and his guests. About 20 years ago, shark fin soup was started to be served in places such as Hong Kong and other Chinese populated cities at a relatively low consumption rate, which did not create any significant impact on the shark population.

However in the recent years, there has been rising prosperity of the people living in China and shark fin soup has in turn became a popular dish. Surprisingly, it is also an obligatory dish for weddings, business dinners and any banquets as it is associated with good fortune, prosperity and honour. As such, tons and tons of sharks have been killed in order for this soup to be served. The situation became worst today, when shark fins are being consumed in cities to indicate their development.

Cutting of Shark Fin - Source: BBC News

Cutting of Shark Fin – Source: BBC News

Each year, a shocking number of sharks between 26 million and 73 million are killed for their fins just for the Hong Kong market alone and Indonesia was identified to be the country with the highest number of catches in the year 2001 to 2007. Consumers of shark fins have also increased from a few million in the 1980s to a stunning number of 300 million today. In the last 20 years, the shark population has already decreased by 90%. These sharks are caught for the sole reason – their fins. The most valuable shark fin can cost you an extravagant price of S$1276 per kilogram, while on the contrary, shark meat actually worth less than most of the other fishes that are caught. Sharks are being hunted with the most unethical practice called “shark finning”, where the sharks are being dragged onto the fish boats alive, and thereafter their fins are being cut off with a knife. The finless sharks are then being thrown back into the sea to bleed or drown to death.

Video: The Cruelty of Shark Finning
*Beware: Graphic Content Included*

Coupled with the slow and low reproduction rate as well as the large amount of time they take to reach sexual maturity, the shark population is not able to replenish itself to meet the high demand and is declining at a very fast rate. Sadly, some of the species are nearing their extinction.

You may click here if you are interested in finding out some of the most endangered sharks species.

Shark fins are flavourless and the taste usually comes from the broth. They actually do not contain high level of nutrition content which are the beliefs that are held by many consumers.

Shark finning is the major cause for the depletion of shark population. However, a minority of them are caught for many other uses which are not as well-known. You may click here to read more about the other uses of sharks.